Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentine's Treat xxx

You would not believe what I got up to last weekend. Or maybe you did from the photo. Yes I was an actual living, breathing, window display for the Valentine's Vintage Fair at Laura J in Islington London!

In the window was my makeshift boudoir as I primped and preened, giggled down the vintage phone and had tea and cupcakes while reading all about beautiful vintage costumes. You might be able to see in the window there are show times. On the hour I would vanish only to emerge as La belle femme, to do my fan dance. Which I have to say is going through a very popular stage as I was asked to perform it at a private booking later that evening as well. I suppose it is VERY valentine's appropriate.

I had found some beautiful red vintage reproduction underwear at the back of my drawer that I hadn't got around to using which was perfect for the window performances. As although I like to cause a stir, the beaded 1920's style g-string and bra/pasties is not entirely suitable for the middle of the day in a public place! As the reverend's wife in The Simpsons would say, 'Think of the Children!'

So my red agent provocateur corsolet and full 50s style pants were a sexy and safe option which let me focus on making pretty shapes with my fans, rather than on covering my ass! Having seen the pictures, I think it looks really cute. I think I've found an excellent 'Boston' version for this act.
Shaking off my feathers in the Laura J window.
Anyway, the vintage fair. There was naturally the full selection of Laura J shoes, of which I now own a stunning pair of black, patent heels I intend to wear out on my date tonight with BW.
The Laura J Lovelies!
Very saucy and uber cute Bann Bee lingerie, the divine French Kiss Vintage girls had a table of sparkly jewellery, handbags, vintage clothes were hung on the window, LadyLuck Rules OK necklaces and Lucy J Freeman doing vintage style makeovers. It was girly heaven!
And the French Kiss Vintage cuties!
The event was running all day although my contribution was from 1-4pm. Being more of a night owl, it was a bizarre experience finding myself up and about in London before midday. Luckily I was provided with cupcakes on my floral plate and tea in my dainty china tea cup as crowds gathered outside the shop window.

The girls took great care of me, constructing floaty curtains around me and getting the heater on and pointed in my direction to avoid the possibility of becoming an actual mannequin, frozen solid by the cold February winds!

I have to say, I was genuinely surprised by how the crowds really did gather and how many people filtered into the shop as a result. I suppose working in performance makes me immune at times to unusual sights but when I think about it, a woman in a pink chiffon and feather nightgown drinking tea in a window is quite unusual.
The crowds gather.
There was one little girl in particular who was just adorable and stood transfixed in front of the window. Her papa took her over the road so she could keep watching from a distance and before they left they came over so she could wave goodbye. She reminded me of myself as a little girl. If it was pink, I was fascinated!
She was just so adorable!
So altogether a very successful day. I took the opportunity to meet up with Duchess Divine for a quick dinner before heading out to Hitchin for my private booking.

Valentine's Day was a quiet affair as I recovered from carrying my bag up and down the thousands of stairs on the tube (seriously, more elevators please!), although I consoled myself in the knowledge that I must have had a great work out at the very least.

I was woken with a cup of tea from BW and we had a picnic on our living room floor - champagne, ploughmans and a movie.
Just perfect.
