Monday, March 22, 2010

Trailer Trash

Not me, I swear!

The Trailer Trash Baz Lurhman extravaganza has been and gone, and what a weekend it made! I had my fake flowers, my silver bra, and my Moulin Rouge costume packed and headed down for our final rehearsal on Saturday night.

As ever, the panic and frantic preparations of the weeks prior all came together with a click as we got on the Komedia stage for our group rehearsal. Trailer Trash is all about the movies so it's a multi-media affair with a huge projection screen at the back of the stage.

Every show there is at least one fight scene acted out by the Trailer Trash Troupe and ours was to be Romeo & Juliet with the Capulet's vs. Montague's. I was part of the Montague girl gang as some strange blend of Mercutio and the pink haired one (I can never remember the names).

There were lots of silly costumes, gesticulating, hair pulling, bananas flying, CPR giving, tumbleweed rolling, comedy running, prancing, posing and ultimately the whole experience was hilarious. I only hope the audience enjoyed it as much as we did!

As ever with the Brighton shows there was just as much fun to be had backstage as we all got ready. With so many strong personalities in one show the conversation is usually completely hysterical. Or maybe it's the extreme heat and the excess of alcohol...who knows. I can't wait to see the photo's.

The other brilliant thing is that because our group act went on first, I practically got to experience the ENTIRE NIGHT. Which is practically unheard of and I was very excited. I got to see Kitty Peels and her fantabulous Juliet act on the silks, The Flirtini's, Ruby Demure and Infinity Favour did a new Ballroom Blitz act. They just might be the funniest two women in the UK. BIG thumbs up for that one.

Then there was Cancan, fire twirling, acrobats, trapeze, best dressed awards, and dancing. So much dancing!

The ultimate cruelty of it all was that we (all the cast) had a Mad Hatters double birthday tea party the next day at 2pm for Kitty Peels and Baby Bones.

There were a lot of very tired and hungover faces there I can tell you, but with everyone dressed up, the table laid and the drink me, eat me signs all over the place I have to say my own hangover added such a surreal air to the day that I felt like I was in some kind of Luis Carrol dream. I quite possibly confused the hell out of the friends I bumped into on the way home who had also been at Trailer Trash the night before.

And so started another week of industrious preparations for more shows, more acts and more plans. Hence why I'm only writing about Trailer Trash now. Next stop...Stranger Than Paradise.